Modern system kichen design(perspective view) - Stickers - myloview (2024)

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Modern system kichen design(perspective view) - Stickers - myloview (1)

'); $('#bigImg') .css('top', (e.pageY - Math.ceil(imgHeight / 2)) + 'px') .css('left', (e.pageX - imgWidth - 20) + 'px') .fadeIn('fast'); }, function () { $('#bigImg').remove(); }); $('#' + ramaPodgladId + ' a').mousemove(function (e) { $('#bigImg') .css('top', (e.pageY - Math.ceil(imgHeight / 2)) + 'px') .css('left', (e.pageX - imgWidth - 20) + 'px'); }); } else if (symbol == 'RAMA' && 'gfx/mini/' + plik == oldLinkRama) { $('div#' + ramaPodgladId).show(); } } } } function zmien_odbicie(check) { var link = baseHref + 'fotolia.php?id=7952261'; if ($('#fotosView').length > 0) { link = link + '&efektOpt=' + $('#fotosView').val(); } if ($('#fotos').length > 0 && typeof $('#fotos').attr('data-filename') !== 'undefined') { link = link + '&plik=' + $('#fotos').attr('data-filename'); } else if ('' !== '') { link = link + '&plik='; } var odbijAkcja = 0; var reloadCrop = false; if ($('#odbij').length > 0) { var odbijElem = $('#odbij'); var odbijAkcja = odbijElem.val(); if (odbicia[odbijAkcja] != undefined) { odbijAkcja = odbicia[odbijAkcja]; if (odbijAkcja == 1 || odbijAkcja == 2) // obrot { reloadCrop = true; } } else { odbijAkcja = 0; } } link = link + '&akcja=' + odbijAkcja; var odbijLink = '&pion=' + $('#pion').val() + '&poziom=' + $('#poziom').val() + '&obrot=' + $('#obrot').val(); if (typeof check !== 'undefined' && check === true) { if (odbijAkcja == '-1' && jQuery('#pion').val() == '0' && jQuery('#poziom').val() == '0' && jQuery('#obrot').val() == '0') { if (($('#fotosView').length === 0 || $('#fotosView').prop('selectedIndex') === 0)) { return true; } } } if (reloadCrop == false) { $('#fotos').attr('src', link + odbijLink + '&rozmiar=400'); $('.jcrop-holder img').attr('src', link + odbijLink + '&rozmiar=400'); if (odbijAkcja == 3) { $('#pion').attr('value', 1); $('#poziom').attr('value', 0); } else if (odbijAkcja == 4) { $('#pion').attr('value', 0); $('#poziom').attr('value', 1); } else if (odbijAkcja == -1) { $('#pion').attr('value', 0); $('#poziom').attr('value', 0); } } else { $('div.jc-pelna-rama').hide(); $('div#detCardMain').css('position', 'relative').prepend('

Modern system kichen design(perspective view) - Stickers - myloview (2)

'); $.get(link+'&onlyData=1', function(data) { var dane=data.match(/([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,}),([0-9]{1,})/) if(dane != undefined && dane != null) { var indMxSzer=parseFloat(dane[1]); var indMxWys=parseFloat(dane[2]); $('span#maxSzer').html(indMxSzer); $('span#maxWys').html(indMxWys); $('div#maxWymDiv').html('Maximum size (width x height): '+indMxSzer+' x '+indMxWys); $('#maxWymSzer').attr('value', indMxSzer); $('#maxWymWys').attr('value', indMxWys); szer=parseFloat(dane[3]); wys=parseFloat(dane[4]); obr=parseFloat(dane[5]); v=parseFloat(dane[6]); w=parseFloat(dane[7]); $('#pion').attr('value', v); $('#poziom').attr('value', w); $('#obrot').attr('value', obr); $('div#reloader').remove(); $('div#detCardMain').css('position', 'static'); $('div.jc-pelna-rama').show(); var odbijLink='&pion='+v+'&poziom='+w+'&obrot='+obr; $('#fotos').attr('src', link+odbijLink+'&rozmiar=400'); $('#fotos').css('width', szer+'px').css('height', wys+'px'); jcrop.setImage($('#fotos').attr('src')); jcrop.destroy(); setTimeout('initCrop();recountPrice();',500); } }); } if ($('.wizFotka').length > 0) { $('.wizFotka').parent().css('backgroundImage', 'ur' + 'l(' + link + odbijLink + '&rozmiar=400)'); } } var selLan = '4'; var _daneZdjecia = { idFototapety: 7952261, id: 25, idCart: 7952261, nazwa: 'modern system kichen design(perspective view)', waluta: 'USD', cena: 131.81, nazwaKategorii: 'Stickers' }; var px = 0; var py = 0; var maxSzer =0; var maxWys =0; var startSzer =0; var startWys =0; var newMaxSzer = 0; var newMaxWys = 0; var lastRotate = 0; let imageWithOverlay = 0 function rotateCrop() { if ($("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value") == 1) { $("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value", "0"); } else { $("span#addSize input#rotate").attr("value", "1"); } setCrop(jcrop); } function setCrop(jcrop) { // IND MYLO //$('tr#ramaZ').show(); // IND MYLO $('tr#ramaW').remove(); var dane = getSize(); var product_x = dane[0]; var product_y = dane[1]; recountPrice(); var photo_x = $("#fotos").width() * 1; var photo_y = $("#fotos").height() * 1; var crop_x = Math.round(product_x / product_y * photo_y); var crop_y = Math.round(product_y / product_x * photo_x); if ($('#fullSizeCrop').is(':checked')) { crop_x = photo_x; crop_y = photo_y; } else { if (crop_x > photo_x) { crop_x = photo_x; } if (crop_y > photo_y) { crop_y = photo_y; } } if (jcrop) { jcrop.release(); jcrop.setSelect([0, 0, crop_x, crop_y]); } setLabels(); } function setLabels() { var cont = $(".jcrop-holder > div:first-child"); if ($("#wysokosc").length > 0) { tmp_wys = $("#wysokosc").val() || 0; tmp_szer = $("#szerokosc").val() || 0; } else { tmp_wym = $("#zamWym option:selected").text(); tmp_szer = (tmp_wym.match(/^([0-9.]{1,})/) || [, 0])[1]; tmp_wys = (tmp_wym.match(/[ x]{1,2}([0-9.]{1,})[ ]{1,}/) || [, 0])[1]; } if (cont.length > 0 && $("#labelLeft").length == 0) { cont.prepend('

' + tmp_wys + 'in

' + tmp_szer + 'in

'); } tmp_left = $(".jcrop-tracker").width() / 2 - 110 tmp_top = $(".jcrop-tracker").height() / 2 - 15; tmp_top_left = -65; tmp_left_top = -150; if ($(".jc-pelna-rama:visible .jc-gora-srodek").length > 0) tmp_top_left = tmp_top_left - $(".jc-gora-srodek").height(); if ($(".jc-pelna-rama:visible .jc-lewa").length > 0) tmp_left_top = tmp_left_top - $(".jc-lewa").width(); $("#labelLeft").css({'top': tmp_top + 'px', 'left': tmp_left_top + 'px'}); $("#labelTop").css({'left': tmp_left + 'px', 'top': tmp_top_left + 'px'}); $("#labelLeft .labelTag").html(tmp_wys + 'in'); $("#labelTop .labelTag").html(tmp_szer + 'in'); } var lccSave = 0; function initCrop() { $('#fotos').Jcrop({ bgColor: 'black', bgOpacity: 0.3, allowSelect: false, allowResize: false, onChange: function (coord) { if(imageWithOverlay!=1) { var crop = parseInt(coord.x) + ',' + parseInt(coord.y) + ',' + parseInt(coord.x2) + ',' + parseInt(coord.y2); $("#koordynaty").attr("value", crop); } if (lccSave > 1) { var sizes = getSize(); sizes = sizes[0] + ',' + sizes[1]; setCookie("lastCrop", '7952261:' + sizes + ':' + crop, 1); } lccSave++; setRama(false, 0); zmienRozmiarWizualizacji(true); } }, function () { jcrop = this; setCrop(jcrop); }); } $(window).bind('pageshow', function () { if (jcrop != null) { setCrop(jcrop); var prev = getCookie("lastCrop"); if (prev != undefined && prev != null && prev != '') { prev = decodeURIComponent(prev); var data = prev.split(':'); if (data[0] == $('input[name="idFototapety"]').val()) { var oldSizes = data[1].split(','); var sizes = getSize(); if (sizes[0] == oldSizes[0] && sizes[1] == oldSizes[1]) { var crop = data[2].split(',').map((e) => parseInt(e)); $('#koordynaty').val(data[2]); jcrop.release(); jcrop.setSelect(crop); } } } } }); var maskList = null; var maskJson = '[]'; var ram=new Array();var odbicia=new Array();odbicia[500]=-1;jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery('#odbij').val(500);});odbicia[501]=4;odbicia[502]=3;var uklPic=new Array();uklPic['487']='1400746133.2256.png';uklPic['488']='1400746139.1526.png';uklPic['490']='1400746145.228.png';uklPic['496']='1400746166.9645.png';uklPic['498']='1400746177.1551.png'; var stopRamaReload = false; function multiKadr(on) { // IND MYLO //$('tr#ramaZ').show(); // IND MYLO $('tr#ramaW').remove(); idWartosciRamy = 0; initCrop(); } function changeColor(code) { let colorCode = $('.productCodeSelectVisualizations').find('[data-code="' + code + '"]'); let image = $('.productImage''id')); let src = image.attr('src'); let filename = src.substr(src.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); $('.productCodeSelectOption').removeClass('--selected'); $('.productCodeSelectOption' +'id')).addClass('--selected'); $('#fotos').attr('src', src); $('#fotos').attr('data-filename', filename); if (zmien_odbicie(true) === true) { $('.jcrop-holder img').attr('src', src); } } var uklInfo = 'The choice of the layout is available only for pre-defined dimensions.'; function wlasnyRozmiar(idWar) { if (idWar != undefined && idWar != null && idWar > 0) { if ($('#rozSzer').val() > 0 && $('#rozWys').val() > 0) { $('.selAtr option[value=' + idWar + ']').text($('#rozSzer').val() + " x " + $('#rozWys').val() + " in (width x height)"); 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jQuery('div.wizualizacje.oldVersion a').each(function () { var baseUrl = baseHref + jQuery(this).attr('data-loadUrl'); jQuery(this).attr('href', baseUrl + visualizationScriptParamAdd +'&generate=1&obrot=' + jQuery('#obrot').val() + '&poziom=' + jQuery('#poziom').val() + '&pion=' + jQuery('#pion').val() + '&ef=' + encodeURIComponent(text) + '&idOpt=' + idOpt + '&showSize=' + jQuery('#showSize').val()); }); } }).colorbox({ rel: 'wiz', preloading: false, close: '', closeButton: false, maxWidth: '95%', maxHeight: '95%', top: 80, previous: '

', next: '

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Maximum size (width x height): ' + tmpSzer + ' x ' + tmpWys + '

'); } else { $("#zamWym").parent().parent().append('

Maximum size (width x height): ' + maxSzer + ' x ' + maxWys + '

'); } if (itemId == 24 || itemId == 26) { $("#maxWymDiv").hide(); } if ($("div#maxWymDiv").length == 1 && $("div.ruler").length == 0) { var s_etiObj = $("div#maxWymDiv").closest('tr').find("td.etykieta"); var s_etiVal = s_etiObj.html(); var s_valObj = $("div#maxWymDiv").parent(); var fullSizeCrop=$(".fullSizeCrop").parent(); var s_wuklObj = $("#wuklad").closest('td'); if (s_wuklObj.length > 0) { s_wuklObj.parent().after('


'); var s_uklObj = $("#uklad").closest('td'); s_uklObj.parent().before('

Choose a layout:

'); } else { var s_uklObj = $("#uklad").closest('td'); if (s_uklObj.length > 0) { s_uklObj.parent().before('

Choose a layout:

'); s_uklObj.parent().after('


'); } else { fullSizeCrop.after('


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    Modern system kichen design(perspective view) - Stickers - myloview (3)


    Modern system kichen design(perspective view).

    Author: ©

    Photo number:


    Other topics:

    today, range hood, ventilator, console, grill, flooring, oven, mansion, stove

    Customise product


    Print as:

    Size and effects:

    Width: max 165 in
    Height: max 122 in


    131,81 USD

    you save 107,85 USD

    standard price 239,66USD


    365 days for exchange and refund

    Safe shopping

    We deliver worldwide

    Guarantee of quality


    Product Description

    Modern system kichen design(perspective view) - Stickers - myloview (6)

    Classic Sticker

    Our classic stickers are printed on self-adhesive foil. The stickers are a great idea for a quick makeover of walls, furniture, doors, windows, laptops, and household appliances. This design can also be cut to shape – please contact us for more detail.

    • ✓ Elastic and durable
    • ✓ Instant arrangement transformation
    • ✓ Non-transparent print (white elements of the design remain visible)

    Maximum width of a single sticker panel: 133cm. If the ordered size exceeds the maximum width, the print will consist of multiple evenly cut sheets.
    For use on:smooth, even walls as well as other smooth surfaces, such as furniture, glass panes or household appliances
    Cleaning: with a wet cloth
    Finishing: semimatte

    Modern system kichen design(perspective view) - Stickers - myloview (7)

    Stained Glass sticker

    Our stained glass stickers are printed on translucent foil, which creates a stained glass effect. It is recommended for use on windows, glass-panelled doors and furniture (closets, cupboard, tables) as well as smooth, unicolored walls. We can also cut the sticker to shape for you. Please contact our customer service to learn more.

    • ✓ Translucent decoration
    • ✓ Elastic and durable
    • ✓ Instant arrangement transformation
    • ✓ Transparent decoration – white elements of the design are completely transparent

    Maximum width of a single sticker panel: 133cm. If the ordered size exceeds the maximum width, the print will consist of multiple evenly cut sheets
    For use on: smooth, even walls; glass or plexiglass surfaces
    Cleaning: with a wet cloth
    Finishing: shiny
    FrontStick option: This product is also offered in an alternative version with the adhesive on the printed side of the sticker. This type of sticker is a fantastic way to decorate glass surfaces from the inside. If you are interested in this option, please contact our office. Option at an additional charge

    Modern system kichen design(perspective view) - Stickers - myloview (8)

    Magnetic sticker

    Our magnetic sticker are printed on a magnetic material. It allows for easy installation and removal at will. Magnetic stickers can be used to decorate metal surfaces (e.g. household appliances, refrigerators) without the need of glue or tape. The elastic material facilitates the installation of the product.

    • ✓ Reusable
    • ✓ No glue or tape required
    • ✓ Elastic and durable
    • ✓ Instant arrangement transformation

    Maximum width of a single sticker panel:125cm. If the ordered size exceeds the maximum width, the print will consist of multiple evenly cut sheets
    For use on: household appliances, metal surfaces
    Cleaning: with a wet cloth
    Finishing: semimatte

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    Other topics

    today range hood ventilator console grill flooring oven mansion stove porcelain pot interior theme index related topics

  • Modern system kichen design(perspective view) - Stickers - myloview (2024)


    What is the kitchen design in 2024? ›

    In 2024, expect to see the use of colour palettes found in nature, the inclusion of indoor herb gardens or vertical planters, as well as natural materials for benchtops, splashbacks, and flooring. These elements bring a touch of nature indoors and add a refreshing ambiance to the kitchen.

    Should a 24" in cabinet have 1 or 2 doors? ›

    Most cabinet makers will max out a single door wall cabinet at 24”. Anything wider than that runs a higher risk of warping. If you were to use a 24” wide cabinet, you have a nice big wide door with great accessibility.

    How to design a modern kitchen? ›

    10 Modern Kitchen Ideas To Transform Your Space
    1. Give Your Cabinets A Facelift. ...
    2. Put Your Best Kitchen Items On Display With Open Shelving. ...
    3. Time For Some New Countertops. ...
    4. Stainless Steel Appliances. ...
    5. Get A Custom Range Hood. ...
    6. Play With Shapes With Kitchen Window Arches. ...
    7. Let More Natural Light In.

    What is the best kitchen layout and why? ›

    The U-Shape design is the most versatile layout for both large and small kitchens. It provides storage and countertop space on three walls, which creates an efficient work triangle for food prep.

    Are oak cabinets coming back in 2024? ›

    According to the National Kitchen & Bath Association's newly released 2024 Kitchen Trends Report, more and more homeowners are ditching their simple all-white kitchen cabinets for warm wood finishes, including walnut and white oak.

    Are white cabinets going out of style in 2024? ›

    In 2024 the white kitchen trend is here to stay, and for good reason. Its timeless appeal, versatility, and ability to adapt to different styles make it a popular choice for homeowners looking to create a space that is both beautiful and functional.

    What size sink can I put in a 24 cabinet? ›

    A 36″ base cabinet can handle a 33″ sink at most; a 30″ cabinet should be fitted with a sink no larger than 27″ wide. The average 24″ sink base cabinet comfortably accommodates a standard 22″ sink; be sure to consider the depth of your sink when planning storage inside the base cabinet.

    Can you use 1 2 plywood for cabinet doors? ›

    This arrangement seems to be more than adequate for strong cabinets. A carpenter friend uses only 1/2 for the sides, bottom, top, and the back; no 3/4 anywhere. The sides are set in dadoes on the face frame and toenailed from behind, and the tops, bottoms, and backs are screwed into dadoes in the sides.

    What is the 1 3 rule for cabinet hardware? ›

    While there is no set rule, we generally recommend that the pull length is approximately 1/3 of the cabinet or drawer width. Small Drawers that are 12” or less typically work best with a pull that is 3” to 4” long or a knob that is 1” in diameter.

    What is the new trend in kitchen design? ›

    Get Cozy With Natural Wood Cabinetry

    Whereas dark and ultra-light tones were fashionable in decades past, 2024 will see the kitchen trend of medium wood tones as the most popular natural look for cabinets. For a comfortable and relaxed feel, cabinets with a medium wood tone are the go-to option.

    What is the most modern kitchen design? ›

    An all-white, minimalist, or black-and-white kitchen tends to look more modern than one that is decorated in the latest color of the year or outfitted with more traditional fixtures.

    What is the least efficient kitchen shape? ›

    Some peninsula kitchens are inefficient because the peninsula sticks too far out, thereby blocking the walkway. L-shaped kitchens have the potential to flow well, but they don't always provide a circular traffic pattern. Of course, you may only have the option to use one of these layout styles in your space.

    Where should sink go in kitchen? ›

    The sink is a central part of a well-functioning kitchen design, but it works hand in hand with other elements too. Ideally the sink should be next to the dishwasher, so dirty dishes can be easily rinsed and transferred to the dishwasher.

    What is the kitchen forecast for 2024? ›

    Our designers are forecasting 2024 as the year of bold and vibrant kitchen colours that express personality and creativity. From rich blues and deep greens to warm terracottas and playful yellows, our designers are embracing the power of colour to make a statement and create a truly unique space.

    What backsplash is in style in 2024? ›

    Consider the Classics. First, classic tiles such as ceramic and porcelain tiles are looked at in 2024 as beauties that are timeless and never go out of style. Affordable and easy to install, these tiles are perfect for backsplash and they can feature a distinct color, unusual pattern, or anything else you desire.

    What is the finish trend for kitchen faucets in 2024? ›

    Trendy Finishes Take Center Stage:

    Matte black and brushed gold are the stars of 2024. These finishes not only add a layer of luxury but also serve as bold statements, turning your faucet into a focal point of your kitchen.

    What is the most popular countertop in 2024? ›

    Granite has long been a popular choice for countertops, and it continues to be highly sought after in 2024. This natural stone offers unmatched beauty, with its unique patterns and impressive color variations. One of the most significant advantages of granite countertops is their durability.


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    Author: Corie Satterfield

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    Views: 6327

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    Author information

    Name: Corie Satterfield

    Birthday: 1992-08-19

    Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

    Phone: +26813599986666

    Job: Sales Manager

    Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

    Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.